Dr. Kyriacos Themistocleous is the External Affairs and Business Development Director of the Eratosthenes Center of Excellence and visiting lecturer at the Cyprus University of Technology. As an expert in Earth observation, he has been appointed by the Government of Cyprus as the national representative for the Copernicus User Forum, the Copernicus Cultural Heritage Task Force, and representative member of the Copernicus Relay Network and the Copernicus Academy. He is also a member of the Leadership committee of the EU Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake. In addition, he is the expert-representative for ICIP (Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites) for the international committee of ICOMOS. He is the President of the Cyprus Remote Sensing Society, and treasurer of the Cyprus branch of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). He was also appointed as a member of different committees in the Government of Cyprus, including the Parallel House of Representatives on Environment, Ecology-Sustainability and Health; the Cyprus National Committee for Marine Spatial Planning; the National Committee of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Department of Environment; the Technical Committee for Research, Innovation, Competitiveness and Digitization for the European Green Deal of the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Strategy.
Kyriacos Themistocleous
External Affairs and Business Development Director
Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence